REAXYS Data Protection Policy/Statement

Reaxys Commercial Substances is fully committed to protecting the rights and privacy of individuals, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Information about our personnel, suppliers and other individuals will only be processed in line with established regulations. Personal data will be collected, recorded and used fairly, stored safely and securely and not disclosed to any third party unlawfully. As the lawful and correct treatment of personal information is critical to our successful operations and to maintaining confidence, Reaxys Commercial Substances is committed to:

  • protecting suppliers’ personal details, records and assessment outcomes
  • keeping suppliers’ and other individuals’ personal data up to date and confidential
  • maintaining personal data only for the time period required
  • releasing personal data only to authorised individuals/parties and not unless permission is given to do so
  • collecting accurate and relevant data only for specified lawful purposes
  • adhering to regulations and related procedures to ensure that all employees who have access to any personal data held by or on behalf of Reaxys Commercial Substances are fully aware of and abide by their duties under the Data Protection Act 1998.

Suppliers are required to report any allegation in relation to the unlawful treatment of personal data via the Reaxys Commercial Substances candidate complaint procedure. A complaint should be made in the event that suppliers feel that records of their personal data have been:

  • lost
  • obtained through unlawful disclosure or unauthorised access
  • recorded inaccurately and/or in a misleading manner
  • provided to a third party without permission.

Where required, Reaxys Commercial Substances will take appropriate action/corrective measures against unauthorised/unlawful processing, loss, destruction or damage to personal data.

It is ultimately our responsibility to ensure that this policy is published and accessible to all personnel, suppliers and any relevant third parties. However, the quality coordinators (QCs) specific to each qualification are responsible for ensuring this information is fully understood by their qualification team and by the suppliers who commence courses/programmes in their area.